What we do


Each year, thousands of children and parents benefit from the activities implemented by Terre des hommes Greece in the following fields:

  • We protect and promote the rights of children by strengthening the child protection systems. We mobilize the Authorities to achieve improvements in policies and work with agencies, organizations, communities, professionals and civil society with a common goal of protecting children. We seek to enhance children's resilience and promote their participation in decision-making that affects their lives.
  • We support children affected by migration. Migration negatively affects children’s life in many ways: from parents who leave the country to children who migrate by themselves or with their family. In this field, our priorities are preventing children’s and youth’s unsafe migration, and making sure that children already affected by migration have access to their fundamental rights.
  • We try to change the justice system for children in Greece and encourage a restorative approach and a reduction of recidivism. We are committed to changing practices to ensure that each child has access to a justice that is respecting their rights and adapted to their circumstances and needs.